Emit Solar | Home Solar Panels | Easy Ownership

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Maximise Your Savings

Use this calculator to get the optimal system size and maximise your savings potential.

Rent to Own
Outright Purchase
TNB Savings
Per Month
Rental Fee
Per Month
Net Savings
Per Month
TNB Savings
Per Month
Purchase Price
One Time Payment Credit Card Easy Payment Plans Available
Payback Period

Average Monthly TNB Bill

Select your home's electrical system:
Sizing Tooltip
When unsure, a 3-phase supply is assumed.

Home Electrical System

3 phase system is assumed

Solar Panel System Sizing

Optimal Savings:
Maximise Your Savings
This chart shows the optimal system size that maximises your savings potential.
New TNB Bill (RM)
Rent-to-Own (RM)
Net Savings (RM)

Solar Panel System Sizing

Optimal Savings:
Shortest Payback Period
This chart shows the system size that has the shortest payback period.
TNB Savings (RM/%)
New TNB Bill (RM)

Please note when using this tool:

  1. Capacity limits are set at up to 6.50kWp for 1-phase and up to 15.60kWp for 3-phase electrical systems.
  2. ⁠All figures are estimates. Solar generation depends on various factors including location of the home, the surroundings and even the roof design.
  3. Savings calculations are based on current tariff structure and government policies.
  4. Post-Solar TNB bill is calculated on the premise that all Solar Electricity is exported to the grid during the day. The more Solar Electricity the home consumes directly, the lower the Post-Solar TNB bill would be.
  5. Savings estimates are calculated using an average of 3.5 peak sunlight hours per day, according to statistics from government agencies.